CONCERTED ACTION: Environmental Valuation in Europe (EVE)


Project Aims

Project Method

Interdisciplinary Focus

Methodological Themes

Workshops and Plenaries





Methodological Themes

Each EVE workshop focused on one or more of the following fundamental concerns:

Rational choice and decision-making

  • Social psychology and individual behaviour
  • Preference formation/construction

    Explaining and understanding 'anomalies' in valuation studies

    Preference formation and the role of information

The character of the environment as a 'commodity'

  • Complexity, ecosystems functioning (rivet popper problem)
  • Moral issues

    The role of markets and exchange values

    Scientific information

Acceptable and fair public decision processes

  • Consensus is not always the goal
  • CBA as a treasury tool versus public participation

    Evolution and design of alternative institutions

    Government and policy

Last update 28-Jul-2006 10:29:35
EVE pages designed by Claudia Carter, maintained by Robin Faichney.